July 18th, 2012

short url: http://beeseen.com/s/1r

Former Google Executive Now the New CEO of Yahoo!

Marissa Mayer, employee number 20 at Google, who also headed the Google Search group is now CEO of Yahoo!.   Here are 5 key areas that Marissa Mayer, former Google VP, can teach Yahoo!:

  1. Engineering Culture: Being data driven versus design driven.
  2. Organizational Culture: Decisions at Internet speed at not being caught up in all the red tape
  3. Spring Cleaning:  Clearing out all the non performing projects
  4. Long Term Vision: Despite short term failures, keeping on track with long term strategies that will pull you ahead of the competition in new areas
  5. Culture of Experimentation:  Research new and innovative areas that may drive back value to your main business

It will be very challenging for anyone to take a dying culture and turn it around.   However, Marissa is the best candidate so far for this position, and we wish her best of luck!   We may even have to take another trip to Sunnyvale to give our feedback to the new Yahoo! team.

For more information, visit C|NET

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